International Crusade of the Penny
Advocates to the severely handicap,
to the homeless and to the less fortunate.
Matthew 25:31-46 We are called to feed the hungry


Founder Mr. Victor Mendez, aka "El Negrito de La
Buena Suerte" aka "El Bombon de Chocolate"
Victor made his dream a reality. He's very passionate about devoting his time in the Community
needs and helping others.
"Out to make a difference in People's lives!"
1.) To provide charitable and educational assistance to the general public by seeking and availing
programs and training for disabled children and adults.
2.) To develp and administer programs, projects, research, and activities to improve the general
health conditions of disadvantaged disabled children and adults.
3.) To provide educational opportunites to diabled youths to facilitate their career search and for
future job opportunities in various fields.
4.) To foster the development of programs and cooperative efforts with other public and private
groups, projects, and agencies to help achieve these objectives and solicit grants, funds, and public
and private support for these purposes.
5.) We're advocates to the less fortunate, to the homeless,no abuse to children, no abuse to
animals, no abuse to Senior Citizens.
6.) Curving "Hunger" on all Communities. "We're Making a Difference in People's Lives"
Your donations will help us help the disabled, homeless, and families that are less fortunate.
Your support and donations is greatly appreciated.
"Be an Angel, and Donate Your Pennies"